Transporting audiences from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus, the Cat in the Hat, our narrator, tells the story of Horton, an elephant who discovers a speck of dust containing tiny people called the Whos, including Jojo, a Who child, who gets in trouble for thinking too many "thinks." Horton's challenge is twofold — not only must he protect the Whos from a world of naysayers and dangers, but he must also guard an abandoned egg that's been left in his care by the irresponsible Mayzie La Bird. Although Horton faces ridicule, danger, kidnapping and a trial, the intrepid Gertrude McFuzz never loses faith in him. Ultimately, the powers of friendship, loyalty, family and community are challenged and emerge triumphant!
Darling Family
Jojo..............................Priesha Maheshwari
Cat in the Hat...............Willow Chamberlain
Thing One.................Sophia Papadopoulos
Thing Two......................Dylan Chamberlain
Horton................................Antonia Beranek
Gertrude McFuzz...............Phoebe Carlson
Mayzie LaBird.........................Elyse Darrah
Sour Kangaroo..................Lauren Edwards
Mr. Mayor...............................William Ripley
Mrs. Mayor..........................Madeline Ripley
Young Kangaroo..................Maggie Pekala
Talk Show Host...................Kenadie Davey
Vlad Vladikoff.....................Greyson Parker
Marshall..................................Matthew Giza
Judge Yertle............................Emily Karsky
Inis Christopher - Iona Christopher - Tess Darrah - Owen Davey - Anna Lynn Sidlow
Gabrielle Quiles
Jungle Citizen
Aliye Aydoner - Genavive Bernicky - Izzy Cagney - Ryan Edwards - Maddilyn Graffe
Jonathan Kalat - Julianna Maurer - Ryan Perdue - Rihan Shah
Chloe Andrews - Nick Angelo - Gavin Bernicky
Production Staff
Co-Director: Kate Loeffler
Co-Director: Darby Schober
Producer: Sandy Doebert
Technical Director: Matt Gottardo
Stage Manager: Eden TeSelle
Sound Designer: Emily Garbinski
Light Designer: Bartlomiej Maciol
Production Assistants: Andrea Behegan Gough, Jay Hruska
Interns: Camryn Caruso, Tess O'Brien, Stone TeSelle
Artistic Director: Heather Hutchison